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Come Experience Japanese Drumming

Have you ever wanted to try the Japanese drums? The really big ones, like at the Powell Street Festival? Now’s your chance to try it out! 

JETAABC will be hosting a taiko workshop on Wednesday, November 13 at 6:30pm and will be taught by Vancouver’s own, Sawagi Taiko. The 3-hour workshop is aimed towards beginners and will cover the basics of taiko drumming, rhythm and technique, and leave you with the satisfaction of having learned a taiko piece. It’s a chance for both JET alumni ($25/person) and non-alumni ($40/person) to experience the art of taiko. Maximum of 12 participants, first come first serve!

Athletic attire and non-marking soft soled shoes are required. Please bring water and a snack.

Register at https://forms.gle/M3eqsWWzwG1MG5YZ6 and make sure to submit your payment to complete the registration.

Feel free to contact John at john@jetaabc.ca for more information.